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Episode 54

Bridging AI, DEI, and Digital Accessibility for an Inclusive Future

Brief description of the episode

This episode of the Tech in EdTech podcast features an insightful conversation with Dr. Sambhavi Chandrasekhar, Global Accessibility Lead at D2L with Rishi. Dr. Chandrasekhar shares her extensive experience and insights on the evolution of accessibility in edtech. She discusses the role of AI in enhancing accessibility tools, the importance of inclusive ecosystems, and best practices for implementing AI-driven accessibility. The conversation also delves into challenges and opportunities in integrating DEI principles, evolving accessibility standards, and the importance of including diverse users, particularly those with disabilities, in every stage of AI development to ensure accessibility and equity.

Key Takeaways:

  • There’s been a notable rise in the importance and recognition of accessibility in edtech, driven by legal requirements and a greater push for inclusivity. A stronger focus on ensuring that edtech tools comply with accessibility standards such as WCAG has improved the overall quality and accessibility of educational content.
  • Unlike in the past, where accessibility was often an afterthought, there is now a greater emphasis on incorporating accessibility features from the start of the design and development process of edtech tools.
  • The evolution of technology, including AI and machine learning, has facilitated the development of more sophisticated and effective accessibility tools in edtech, making it easier to accommodate diverse learning needs.
  • The approach to accessibility in edtech has evolved from being reactive, where issues were addressed after they were identified, to being proactive, where potential accessibility barriers are anticipated and mitigated during the design phase.
  • Overcome employee and leadership resistance through comprehensive DEI training programs that educate and engage all levels of the organization.
  • Address the lack of clear metrics and goals by setting specific, measurable DEI goals and tracking progress through data collection and analysis, making adjustments as needed.
  • Combat superficial DEI efforts by focusing on meaningful, long-term changes and embedding DEI principles into core business practices.
  • Ensure effective DEI initiatives by securing dedicated resources and strong executive sponsorship, providing necessary funding and support.
  • Improve engagement and understanding by developing clear, consistent communication strategies about DEI objectives and progress, and encourage open dialogue.
  • Mitigate the impact of unconscious biases through regular training and by incorporating bias reduction strategies in hiring, evaluation, and promotion processes.
  • AI personalizes learning experiences and workplace tasks, adapting content and interfaces to be more accessible for individuals with disabilities.
  • It provides data-driven insights that can help educators and employers understand the needs and challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, allowing for more informed decision-making and the development of targeted support strategies.
  • AI powers assistive technologies like screen readers, voice recognition, and predictive text, which support individuals with disabilities in navigating both educational content and workplace tools more effectively.
  • Assisting in the creation of inclusive design, AI identifies and addresses potential barriers in digital content and platforms, ensuring accessibility from the outset.
  • To ensure that AI creates accessible and equitable education and workplace environments, individuals with disabilities must be involved in every stage of the development and implementation of AI systems.

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