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A Guide to Building Evidence-Based EdTech Solutions

  • 5 January, 2024
  • Reading Time: 5 mins

In EdTech, the term “evidence-based” serves as a guiding principle upon which innovative and impactful learning tools are built. But what does it truly mean for an edtech app to be evidence-based?

At its core, the concept of “evidence-based” refers to the integration of educational methodologies, teaching strategies, and design principles that are not merely rooted in technological innovation but, more critically, supported by empirical evidence and validated research. These methodologies serve as the scaffolding, meticulously built upon the foundation of educational theory and empirical data.

Now, why does this matter?

The answer lies in its impact on student learning outcomes. Evidence-based edtech apps aren’t just digitized classrooms; they’re dynamic platforms designed to augment the learning experience. For example, consider an elementary math app designed not just to teach arithmetics but strategically crafted on evidence-backed pedagogical principles. Through the deliberate integration of spaced repetition and interactive problem-solving, this app won’t just engage students; it might enhance their understanding and retention of mathematical concepts.

A group of students looking at a laptop together.


Common Challenges in Implementing Evidence-Based Practices

Developing evidence-based edtech apps is not without its challenges, as learning providers navigate a landscape where technological innovation intersects with educational efficacy. Recognizing and addressing these challenges is crucial to ensuring the successful integration of evidence-based methodologies into the product development process. Here are some challenges that are faced in implementing evidence-based practices:

1.  Access to Quality Data and Research

Platform providers can often encounter challenges in accessing high-quality and comprehensive educational data and research. Limited access to relevant and up-to-date data hampers the development of evidence-based apps, as relying on outdated or insufficient information may compromise the efficacy of the educational solution.

2. Integration of Research into Design

Incorporating research findings and evidence into the design and development of learning apps can be challenging. Translating research outcomes into actionable design elements and features that effectively enhance learning experiences requires a careful and informed approach.

3. Adoption of Evidence-Based Strategies

Encouraging the adoption of evidence-based strategies among development teams can be challenging. Navigating resistance to change or existing practices, and ensuring that the team embraces and implements evidence-based methodologies, may require dedicated effort and collaboration.

4. Data Privacy and Ethical Considerations

Upholding data privacy and ethical considerations while collecting, analyzing, and utilizing educational data presents a significant challenge. Edtech companies must navigate rigorous data privacy laws and ethical guidelines to ensure responsible and ethical use of student data.

5. Resource Constraints and Time Pressure

Resource limitations and time constraints often pose challenges in conducting extensive research, implementing evidence-based strategies, and refining app features. Striking a balance between time-sensitive development cycles and the incorporation of evidence-based practices remains a persistent challenge.


Ways to Enhance Evidence-Based Practices in EdTech Apps

Overcoming the challenges of creating truly impactful edtech apps entails a strategic approach anchored in collaboration, assessment, iterative design, research validation, transparency, and continual refinement. These strategies serve as guides, helping developers to overcome barriers in implementing evidence-based methodologies. By embracing these comprehensive strategies, edtech companies can create educational solutions that are deeply rooted in empirical evidence and pedagogical efficacy.

Collaborate with Educators and Researchers

Build close collaboration with teachers, educational experts, and researchers to comprehend classroom needs and ensure app alignment with educational objectives. This partnership ensures that the app caters precisely to the educational context and challenges faced by educators. An instrumental step in aligning edtech apps with evidence-based practices involves leveraging certification programs such as Digital Promise Product Certification. Partnering with this certification program establishes a collaborative environment between developers, educators, and researchers.

Implement Assessment Tools

Integrate formative and summative assessments within the app to measure student progress and learning outcomes accurately. These assessments align with evidence-based practices, enabling educators to gauge student performance effectively. Data analytics is a great way to track user interactions and assess app feature effectiveness. By analyzing usage patterns and user behavior, the analytics facilitate evidence-based decision-making in refining app functionalities.

User Feedback and Iterative Design

Gather ongoing feedback from end users throughout the development cycle to ensure continuous enhancements aligned with user needs. Adopt an iterative design approach that incorporates user feedback into the app’s content, features, and usability. This iterative refinement will align the app more closely with evidence-based educational practices.

 A man and a woman discussing sitting together.

Formative Evaluation and External Validation

Implement formative evaluation mechanisms to gather ongoing feedback and insights, facilitating continuous refinement and improvements aligned with evidence-based practices. Seek external evaluation or validation from educational institutions, research organizations, or independent evaluators. Initiatives such as the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) offer a valuable resource for this purpose. By engaging in the WWC’s systematic review process, developers can attain a seal of approval based on established evidence, enhancing the credibility and trustworthiness of their educational apps.

Data Privacy and Alignment with Curriculum Standards

Adhering rigorously to established regulations  (e.g., GDPR, COPPA) and implementing robust data security measures safeguard user trust and ensure ethical use of student data. Another great way is to get a data privacy certification that is FERPA, CSPC, and COPPA compliant. Involve curriculum experts in app development and provide customizable features for seamless integration into educational standards as per different state requirements.

Continuous Improvement and Research Integration

EdTech professionals, educators, and developers must engage in perpetual learning, not just about technological advancements but also about pedagogical innovations. By assimilating emerging research findings into the development of educational tools, these stakeholders can ensure that their solutions remain aligned with the most recent educational insights and evidence-based practices.



Evidence-based approaches are integral to getting your edtech solutions adopted by schools, institutions, learners, and teachers. Through the strategies outlined here, edtech companies can aim to create educational applications that are deeply rooted in empirical evidence, and pedagogical efficacy to enhance learning outcomes.

They aren’t just quality indicators; they’re the linchpin for driving tangible results in learning outcomes. Tailoring solutions to diverse educational landscapes and understanding the context for adoption—be it class sizes, teacher competencies, or learner-centric designs—remains paramount. The true essence lies in stakeholder engagement as an overarching philosophy. Co-designing with educators, integrating social-emotional considerations into learner-centric designs, and fueling innovation through continual user feedback and data-driven insights perpetually drive the evolution of EdTech solutions.

Ultimately, EdTech isn’t confined to product creation; it’s a commitment to nurturing an ecosystem that perpetually learns, adapts, and thrives. It’s about empowering learners, enabling educators, and embracing the transformative power of education in shaping a brighter future.


Dipesh Jain

Dipesh is an experienced revenue professional with a knack for Sales, Marketing, and Presales leadership. But he's more than just a title – he's the driving force behind growth, fueled by his commitment to putting customers first. Dipesh's expertise isn't just in numbers; it's in building meaningful connections and solving real challenges across K-12. Whether it's product growth, improving learner and teacher relationships, or relationship management, he's your go-to person for making genuine connections and driving success.

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