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Here’s What a Learning Product Modernization Journey Looks Like

  • 6 September, 2021
  • Reading Time: 3-5 minutes

Today, Educational Publishers and EdTech companies face several challenges with their legacy learning products. These organizations mainly cater to the learning needs of K12 and higher education segments. Considering the ever-evolving nature of the sector, the legacy products often create pressing issues like:

● High Maintenance Costs

● Difficulties in Upgradation

● Time to Market (TTM) Delays

All these have a negative impact on business efficiency and ROI. Obsolete products lead to missed opportunities and monetary losses. In a world that abounds in countless digital learning platforms, it is important to overhaul the existing systems in order to stay ahead of the competition.

So, it is quite understandable that EdTech organizations look for ways to leverage the modern platforms and content design for their learning products. Generally, these companies seek to modernize the following platforms and products:

Educational Platforms Learning Products
●      Learning Platforms
●      Learning Management Systems
●      Student Information Systems
●      Assessment Platforms
●      Library Solutions
●      eBook Readers
●      Authoring Tools
●      Courseware
●      Workbooks
●      Lessons
●      Learning Games
●      Interactive Simulations
●      Interactive eBooks
●      Technology-Enhanced Question Banks
●      Videos

But, what does the path to product modernization look like? Let’s glance through the major components of the learning product modernization journey:

Learning Product Modernization Journey

The route to modernization begins with collecting the essential data and setting desired goals. After a detailed analysis of existing structures, a proper strategy and plan are laid out for the implementation of modern design. Below is the breakdown of different steps in the modernization journey:

1) Gathering and Planning Modernization Prerequisites

Identify and quantify the impact of modernization on business in terms of:

i. Improved Adoption

ii. Reduced Operational Costs

iii. Improved Speed-to-market

2) Analyzing Existing Product and Strategizing Modernization Design

i. Assess the existing product design, its underlying technology, and content.

ii. Identify gaps in the legacy product design

iii. Decide the strategy for required modification and adjustments

iv. Understand the dependency factors

v. Analyze resources and draw a time-bound schedule for implementation

vi. Establish a monitoring framework for accurate implementation.

3) Implementing Modernization Tasks

i. Execute the tasks as identified in the roadmap.

ii. Implement the modernization plan in a progressive way by means of prioritized tracks

iii. Continually monitor and validate the tasks for effective implementation.

Benefits Achieved through Modernization

Modernization lends multiple advantages in imparting knowledge to students of K12 and higher education levels. Here is an overview of the positive outcomes of using modern products:

  • Increased Efficiency and Adaptability

With a microservices architecture, the application platforms facilitate the adaptability of learning products to modern design. This kind of product conveniently handles the dynamic load, fulfills performance requirements, allows for partial updates, accommodates separation of concerns, and utilizes optimal time to deliver technology enhancements and new product features to the market.

  • Higher Scalability and Cost-Efficiency

Cloud Infrastructure enables the learning product to leverage an optimal and secure environment. In this, containerization allows for orchestration (automated configuration) of application components and services. So, it is possible to scale the platform to the desired capacity and availability at reduced costs. Cloud Providers like AWS, AZURE, and GCP aid the learning products in providing a variety of services and applications as per demand.

  • Enhanced Versatility

Modernizing the learning products makes way for inclusive access, web and mobile enablement, online/offline accessibility, better user experience, and greater learning efficacy. All these factors result in higher adoption of the product.

Are you looking to modernize your Learning Product?

For making the right modernization decision, you require a consultant with adequate knowledge of educational platforms and learning products and the backing of a company with considerable experience in executing multiple modernization projects.

We can help you by providing:

● A detailed learning product modernization plan

● Modernization roadmap and project plans

● Risk Assessment

● Personalized Guidance

● Schedule and Budget

● The optimal path to achieve the desired results

Need Quotation for your modernization project? Get in touch with us


Rishi Raj Gera

Rishi Raj is a seasoned consultant with over 25 years of experience in edtech and publishing. He brings a unique blend of strategic thinking and hands-on execution to his role as Chief Solutions Officer at Magic. Rishi excels at managing a diverse portfolio, leveraging his expertise in product adoption, student and teacher experiences, DE&I, accessibility, AI solutions, market expansion, and security, standards & compliance. As a thought leader in the field, he also provides advisory and consulting services, guiding clients on their journeys to success.

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